Family Concerns

Families leave a lasting impression.

Like everyone else, you started life in some type of family – like it or not. Your family may have been you and a single parent, or two parents, many siblings, and a host of aunts, uncles, and cousins. Everyone has their history.

Different families have possible pros and cons. Large families have unspoken rules that say, “Toe the line,” whereas small families can experience struggle and plenty of love. There may be the joy of sharing love and the pain of losing it.

Whatever the form of your family, it helped form you. Many of the patterns we struggle with in our adult lives start in childhood.

The quality of the caregiving we received made an impression on our bodies, for better or worse. If our caregivers were impaired, absent, or abusive, we are likely still feeling the pain even as adults, and we may not even realize where it started.

Family patterns last for a lifetime.

Now, you find yourself as a parent and recognize the old patterns coming to the surface. Or your parents are aging, and you realize time is running out to heal old wounds.

Perhaps your parents have passed, and so has the opportunity for reconciliation, and all you have left now is the grief for them, you, and the inner child that missed out on what you deserved.

I understand because I also grew up in a family. My training and experience as a Marriage and Family Therapist add knowledge and skill to what I know simply from being another human.

As a parent, I know parenting is a challenging lifelong job. As someone with very elderly parents, I am familiar with the challenges and feelings about the transition.

Don’t let unhealthy family experiences threaten your well-being.

I’m here to help you reorganize your early patterns so that your mind and body harmonize for your well-being. Then, you can live in the present moment rather than being haunted by the past.

By doing your own healing, you can be a better parent, family member, and partner. You’ll experience more internal organization and less chaos, with the opportunity to repair and improve relationships that currently cause you pain and heartache.

You may also wish to do therapy with your parents or with your siblings, including your parents or not. I have successfully helped adult family groups heal and dissolve old hurts and resentments or work together on how aging parents should be cared for. Haven’t you all suffered long enough?

Call me today to schedule a free consultation to talk about healing your past and imagining a different future.